2015 Jan 9

OACC Statement On President Obama’s Community College Proposal

2015-01-09T21:23:16-05:00January 9, 2015|Categories: OACC News|

Please feel free to attribute in whole or in part to Jack Hershey, President/CEO, Ohio Association of Community Colleges. The OACC represents the presidents and trustees of Ohio’s 23 community colleges and is widely recognized as the voice of the community-college movement in Ohio. More information on the OACC available at www.ohiocommunitycolleges.org. Ohio’s community college [...]

2014 May 5

2014 All Ohio Academic Team Honorees Named

2016-12-20T17:44:18-05:00May 5, 2014|Categories: OACC News|

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Sixty of the highest achieving community college students from around Ohio were honored Wednesday, April 30, as part of the All-Ohio Academic Team Awards. “Congratulations to the fine scholars that make up the 2014 All-Ohio Academic Team,” said Karen Rafinski, interim president of the Ohio Association of Community Colleges. “Their dedication to [...]

2014 Apr 10

Apprenticeship Programs Can Lead To Credit

2014-12-03T19:36:38-05:00April 10, 2014|Categories: OACC News|

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Ohio's community college system is part of a new national consortium to make it easier for students in apprenticeships to transfer their experience into academic credit. But the state and Cuyahoga Community College are among the leaders in this initiative, officials said. Vice President Joe Biden recently announced the national program at [...]

2013 Dec 30

OACC on Farm Bureau’s “Town Hall Ohio”

2014-12-03T19:35:03-05:00December 30, 2013|Categories: OACC News|

The Ohio Association of Community Colleges is coming to a radio near you! OACC Interim President Dr. Karen Rafinski and Director of Public Affairs Jeff Ortega recently taped a segment for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation’s “Town Hall Ohio” radio program, a public affairs program hosted by Joe Cornely, OFBF’s Sr. Director of Corporate Communications [...]

2013 Oct 6

Letter to the Editor — The Blade – Stinziano

2016-12-20T17:44:18-05:00October 6, 2013|Categories: OACC News|

Letters to the Editor 2-year collegians need state help   I couldn’t agree more with The Blade that Ohio’s two-year students deserve access to state need-based aid (“Higher education” editorial, Sept. 21). Community colleges continue to be a key driver of work-force development training and high-quality and affordable undergraduate education. That students at community colleges [...]

2013 Sep 18

News Release: Rafinski Named Interim President

2014-12-03T19:31:44-05:00September 18, 2013|Categories: OACC News|

For Immediate Release RAFINSKI NAMED INTERIM OACC PRESIDENT  COLUMBUS, Ohio --  Karen Rafinski, Ph.D., has been named the Interim President of the Ohio Association of Community Colleges. Dr. Rafinski, who is President Emeriti of Clark State Community College in Springfield, began her duties with the OACC on Sept. 16 and will stay on as interim [...]

2013 Jul 3

OACC President Ron Abrams To Retire

2016-12-20T17:44:18-05:00July 3, 2013|Categories: OACC News|

For Immediate Release OACC PRESIDENT RON ABRAMS TO RETIRE   COLUMBUS, Ohio – After nearly six years at the helm of the Ohio Association of Community Colleges and 40 years in higher education, OACC President Ron Abrams announces that he will retire later this year. “Working together, Ohio’s community colleges and the OACC have moved [...]

2012 Aug 21

Coaches help struggling college students succeed

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00August 21, 2012|Categories: OACC News|

From The Columbus Dispatch (online) By: Encarnita Pyle Columbus State Community College will be one of 10 Ohio two-year schools to have coaches on hand to help first-time students enrolled in a remedial course plan their studies so they eventually earn a certificate or degree. "These coaches will provide their students with the support needed [...]

2010 May 12

Community College’s $6.5 Billion Impact on Ohio

2016-12-20T17:44:20-05:00May 12, 2010|Categories: OACC News|

Study quantifies how community colleges in Ohio are working to promote economic development, enhance student careers and foster an improved quality of life statewide for all Ohio residents. COLUMBUS – Wednesday, May 12, 2010 – Recognizing the vital role community colleges have in the state’s economic future, the Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC) commissioned [...]

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