Project Description
The Use of Multiple Measures to Address the Equity Gap in College Math Completion
May 31, 2022
J. Nickey Brown, Clark State College
Denise Douglas, Lorain County Community College
Melissa Glanz, Stark State College
Rain Nielsen, Southern State Community College
Project Advisor:
Lori Zakel, Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Executive Summary:
Achieving the Dream’s updated equity statement challenges higher education institutions to “interrogate the disconnect between institutionalized practices that impact student success and the systematic structures and processes that continue to oppress and exclude students based on the intersections of race, ethnicity, gender identity, language, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, economic status, and/or religion” (Achieving the Dream (ATD) 2022). As our team examined our pathways project through an equity lens, we were compelled by our institutional data surrounding math completions. Each of our institutions seeks to ensure inclusive student access, completion and post-secondary success in transfer and career pathways leading to in-demand, high wage careers. Many of these career and academic pathways require student success in college math.
Completing College level math within the first academic year has been found to be one of the predictors of credential and/or bachelor degree attainment within six years. Colleges across Ohio have implemented co-requisite models to eliminate barriers created by developmental math. Despite overall increases in the completion of College level math within the first year, equity gaps persist for students in three areas: race/ethnicity, Pell eligibility and traditional/non-traditional student status. Based on our research, our team is proposing that community colleges move towards a multiple measures implementation for math placement using metrics that focus on assessing equity achievement gaps.
Cohort 2
Guided Pathways Pillar 3
Topic: Results of learning outcomes assessments are used to improve teaching and learning through program review, professional development, and other intentional campus efforts.