Project Description

Establishing a Process for Training Academic Advisors

May 31, 2022

Amber Hare, Edison State Community College
Jeannette Passmore, Rhodes State College
Tye Patterson, Eastern Gateway Community College

Project Advisor:
Kelly Hogan, Columbus State Community College

Executive Summary:
The faculty and/or staff assigned to provide academic advising to students at community colleges must know the academic curriculum(s) which they advise and any advising technology used by the college. In addition, they must be able to manage large amounts of changing information. Without these processes in place students will not be able to achieve their educational goals within their desired timeframe and may also end up taking courses that will take them off track from their path to success. Consistent training across faculty advising and/or professional advising is a linchpin in keeping students on a clear and concise path to graduation. For our pathways project, our team will create a checklist that will assist colleges in incorporating career pathways and career exploration in the student onboarding process by providing recommendations that are focused on getting students to understand how their career goals are directly linked to their academic endeavors.

Cohort 2


Guided Pathways Pillar 3

Topic: Advisors monitor which program every student is in and how far along the student is toward completing the program requirements.