2012 May 20

Tri-C’s first President Charles Chapman impressed

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00May 20, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Plain Dealer ... Published: Sunday, May 20, 2012, 3:00 PM By Karen Farkas, The Plain Dealer CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Charles Chapman arrived in Cleveland 50 years ago to create a college. The first president of Cuyahoga Community College didn't have a building, faculty or money. And most people had no idea what a [...]

2012 Mar 29

Community College, Warren Partner for Job Training

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00March 29, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From WYTV (ABC), Youngstown March 29, 2012 See the video here. The lucrative shale boom is bringing business to the Valley and it's also bringing with it huge job opportunities. On Thursday, the city of Warren and Eastern Gateway Community College announced a new partnership in hopes of getting oil companies to hire local workers. [...]

2012 Mar 21

COTC Dedicates New Campus Facility

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00March 21, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Mt. Vernon (Ohio) News … By Alan Reed,  Mount Vernon News March 21, 2012 11:09 am EDT MOUNT VERNON — The culmination of many years of planning, hard work and anticipation officially came to fruition Tuesday morning in downtown Mount Vernon. Numerous area residents, business representatives, city officials and friends of education came [...]

2012 Mar 16

New spending bill to go for repair projects

2014-10-30T00:43:10-04:00March 16, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Daily Record of Wooster: March 16, 2012   By MARC KOVAC Dix Capital Bureau COLUMBUS -- Gov. John Kasich has asked lawmakers to sign off on $1.74 billion in new construction and repair projects statewide. The two-year capital spending bill, the first considered by the legislature since 2009-10, includes funding for new or [...]

2012 Mar 5

Websites Aid Students In Comparing Colleges

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00March 5, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Columbus Dispatch By  Encarnacion Pyle The Columbus Dispatch Monday March 5, 2012 4:39 AM If you’re a high-school senior or a parent of one, you know that sifting through all the information about college costs can be next to impossible. Ohio has “portraits” of its public universities that allow students to compare schools [...]

2012 Mar 4

College Opportunities Growing In Area High Schools

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00March 4, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Columbus Dispatch By  Charlie Boss The Columbus Dispatch Sunday March 4, 2012 9:25 AM More Columbus-area high schools are bringing Columbus State Community College to their students. Reynoldsburg school officials said last month that their high school will house a Columbus State regional campus for students and adults this fall. The Hilliard and [...]

2012 Feb 16

Ohio colleges agree on construction wish list

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00February 16, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Columbus Dispatch: By  Encarnacion Pyle  and  Joe Vardon Thursday February 16, 2012 Gov. John Kasich challenged Ohio’s 37 public colleges and universities to work together instead of compete for limited state funding. They came through yesterday with a single, $350 million wish list of construction projects for consideration in the next two-year capital [...]

2012 Feb 6

Dr. Para M. Jones named Stark State President

2014-12-03T19:18:45-05:00February 6, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From Stark State College: The Stark State College Board of Trustees unanimously named Dr. Para M. Jones the fourth president in the College’s 51-year history at a special Board meeting Wednesday. Jones, president of Spartanburg Community College in Spartanburg, SC, will take the helm as Stark State president Feb. 6, 2012. She succeeds Dr. John [...]

2012 Jan 30

Owens Readies Campus Food Pantry

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00January 30, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Toledo Blade: Published: 1/30/2012 - Owens readies campus food pantry for students in need of assistance BY KATE GIAMMARISE BLADE STAFF WRITER Its shelves stocked with staples such as peanut butter, cereal, and pasta, what is believed to be the region’s first food pantry for college students is to open in mid-February. Owens [...]

2012 Jan 10

Shaping the future of higher education

2016-12-20T17:44:19-05:00January 10, 2012|Categories: Community College News|

From The Columbus Dispatch: By: Encarnacion Pyle The Columbus Dispatch - January 10, 2012 College costs are rising. Student debt is mounting. And most Americans say college fails to deliver good values. So what do you do? Call together the best minds in the college world together for a brainstorming session on shaping the future [...]

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