

2015Feb 2

OACC Statement On Higher Ed Reforms In FY16-17 State Budget

February 2, 2015|Categories: OACC News|

The following statement may attributed in whole or in part to Jack Hershey, the President and CEO of the Ohio Association of Community Colleges, in connection with the higher education reforms announced to be part of the FY16-17 executive budget proposal. The OACC represents the presidents and trustees of the [...]

2015Jan 22

Editorial – The Toledo Blade: Financial Aid 101

January 22, 2015|Categories: Community College News|

FEATURED EDITORIAL Financial aid 101 Ohio community colleges can close the skills gap, if their students secure a fair share of higher education assistance Ohio’s 23 community colleges have provided opportunities to hundreds of thousands of workers. They boost the state’s economy by offering employers the highly skilled employees they [...]

2015Jan 9

OACC Statement On President Obama’s Community College Proposal

January 9, 2015|Categories: OACC News|

Please feel free to attribute in whole or in part to Jack Hershey, President/CEO, Ohio Association of Community Colleges. The OACC represents the presidents and trustees of Ohio’s 23 community colleges and is widely recognized as the voice of the community-college movement in Ohio. More information on the OACC available [...]

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